INOCHI NO HAHA WHITE - a complex for restoring and maintaining a hormonal balance in women during the menstrual cycle, for 30 days

Sale price¥5,600


The complex for restoring and maintaining a hormonal balance in women during the menstrual cycle from the leading manufacturer of Japanese Badies of the company Kobayashi - a natural complex to strengthen the health of young women from 16 to 40 years.

Promotes the normalization of the hormonal balance, relieves painful sensations, returns strength and good mood.

Contains only natural components - 11 types of herbs (no hormones or synthetic substances)! The high efficiency of the drug is due exclusively by the natural composition of the beloved in Japan Bada. A carefully balanced formula of the bio-ship is focused on maintaining all the systems of the female organism and contributes to the improvement of metabolism, the normalization of metabolism and the hormonal balance of a young woman. The natural complex uses well-deserved popularity from Japanese women for many years, helping them to maintain impeccable health and high vitality. It is recommended to take with therapeutic and preventive purpose of each young woman who wants to preserve their health, youth and beauty.

What features and advantages of a complex for young women: contains only natural ingredients - 11 types of herbs (no hormones or synthetic substances) developed by Japanese scientists, taking into account all the features of a fragile female body, contributes to the normalization of the hormonal balance, relieves painful sensations, helps girls and women to recover after Stresses and heavy loads, returns forces and good mood does not have side and unwanted effects in inflammatory diseases and disorders of the menstrual cycle.

Japanese biodogging will help to cope with the following problems: a lamination of the menstrual cycle (illustrian pain and abdominal pain, the irregular cycle), chronic fatigue, decay, headaches, anemia, psychological discomfort (mood differences, depression, nervousness, concern, sleep disorders, forgetfulness ), Problem skin (rash, redness, acne), edema, muscle tension in limbs, poor blood circulation (with spikes, postoperative), fluctuations in body temperature (throws in a heat or cold, increased sweating).

Gives striking results in the normalization of the hormonal balance.

Composition: 12 tablets (day norm) contain: rhubarb - 200 mg, burning root of medicinal - 200 mg., PION tree - 200 mg, peach bones - 100 mg, PPIIn milkmetic - 300 mg., Dudnik - 300 mg ., Cinnamon is 200 mg., Carrot - 50 mg., Atratylodez - 200 mg., Poria Cocoso-shaped - 200 mg., Cheschanukha - 150 mg.
Auxiliary substances: Silicon Acid, Talc, Calcium carbonate, titanium oxide, gelatin, gumiarabic, white sugar, bee wax, carnab wax.
A method of use: 4 tablets 3 times a day before meals for at least 14 days.
Recommended reception course 2-3 months.
Packaging: 360Tablets (for 30 days)
Contraindications: Pregnancy, breastfeeding, individual intolerance to product components.

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